Women are always been obsessed with different types and styles of handbags. No matter what your age is, holding a handbag or clutch is always fun. It is a type of accessory that also depicts your fashion sense. For centuries bags are used either for fashion or to put things in them. But it always symbolizes power and authority.
From small wallets and clutches to big-size tote bags, they enhance your personality and the look of your outfit. But holding the right type of bag that gear up your style and outfit is necessary. It will be fun to make new combinations according to styling sense. If you want to feel by holding a delicate bag, just watch the huge mesmerizing collection of every texture and style of bags at wnkrs.com.
Why it’s important to make a combination of bag and attire?
You may have several branded and luxury bags. But it doesn’t need to go well with any type of outfit. Because some dresses like evening gowns require delicate clutches to be worn. While with casual dressing you can hold any type of handbag. Like handle bag can uplift any type of dress.
A bag that enhances your beauty and style is like heaven on earth. Not only do people attract you but also complement you. But look, carrying a luxury bag in the office will not give good vibes. So dress and style according to the occasion and event.
Tips to gear up your style game
You have many styles of small, big, textured bags. But don’t have any idea where to pick which type of bag. Don’t worry, we will reduce your confusion.
· What’s the occasion?
Focus on the event or occasion, where you are going. If you are casually somewhere shopping, big hobo bags or tote bags with a regular tee shirt and jeans will be the best choice. If you are at work then purses and colorful bags will be well suited. But on a formal event, dress up elegantly by adding a glittery clutch to your collection.
· Select according to your body shape
You may think it irrelevant but the size of the bag also highlights your body shape. Like if you have a pear-shaped body, then go for the medium-sized bag, that doesn’t exceed your waist length. Short girls must carry slim long bags that make them look tall. While tall ladies should try using round-shaped bags.
· Determine texture and bag color
Buy bags and clutches of neutral colors, so that they go with many dresses. You can make many different combinations, to look timeless and versatile. Which color do you wear mostly? And what’s your favorite color? Get that color of the bag, because you feel confident and it also makes with many outfits.
Some funky and printed bags may look cool on the beach. But buy textured bags with single color because they look elegant.
Wallets, handbags, and clutches are necessary accessories in women’s wardrobes. So, choose wisely to look gorgeous.